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Campus Safety

     Safety is a big concern on any college campus. I have been working with SMU administration from multiple departments; including Parking and ID services, SMU PD, OIT, Facility Management, and Student Affairs; to help to increase the safety and security of all students, faculty, and staff on campus.

     I am currently working with the Office of Risk Management and the Dedman Center for Lifetime Sports to encourage a more bicycle and pedestrian friendly campus. It is dangerous to have bicycles and pedestrians using the same narrow pathways, and we are currently looking into several solutions to this problem.

     Over the summer of 2016, I had the privilege of serving on a staff committee to rebrand and redirect the service that was previously known as "Giddy Up". The recommendations of that committee included a return to the original intent of the service as a safe way to cross campus at night when a student has reason to feel insecure about walking to a destination. In the future, the greatest emphasis will be placed on this aspect of SMU transit.

     It has also been recommended that the Office of Information Technology adopt an official smartphone safety application that will link to the SMU Police Station to protect students as they walk the campus after sunset. OIT is currently working on the digital infrastracture for this purpose.

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