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     Many students have no idea what the SMU Student Senate does, and that is a problem. How can Student Senators accurately represent their constituents if they do not convey information to them?

     This was one of the issues that drove me to apply for a seat in the Senate, and it remains a part of my work in the chamber, as well as in committee meetings. How can we be as transparent as possible so that any Mustang can know what we are up to, while becoming more efficient as a governing body?

     That is up to Senators, Committee Chairs, and Student Body Officers to decide. I maintain this website as a means to convey what is happening within the Senate, and my plans for making SMU a better place to live and learn in the future. I also have a Facebook page that I use to communicate relevant information concerning student life in a more relatable fashion.

     In addition, I am open to any thoughts or concerns that you may have for me as one of your representatives before the University administration.

      Senate chamber meetings take place each Tuesday while classes are in session from 3:30pm to 6:00pm and are open to the public.

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