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Student Endorsement for Matthew Lucci -Seung Ki Lee

I personally have little faith in the concept of student governing body, as many people I know [have] only utilized the position and title as a means to add a line to their resume. I find it rare to find someone who joins the student senate from sheer will to make a difference in students’ experience on campus; and that is why I not only cast my vote to Matthew Lucci, but also would urge you to do the same.

Matthew Lucci is a candidate who has the two qualities I seek most in my representative: responsibility, and passion. I met Matthew as a TA in my physics lab and naturally I had very limited interaction with him outside of class. However, even in the brief time I had with him I saw that he is the kind of man who always keeps his end of the deal in any interaction. He was the only one who voluntarily spent the little free time he had to compose a formula sheet and held help sessions for his students. He actively consulted the students to figure out what the class lacks and wants. Thanks to his help, several students including myself had finished the course in success. I asked him why he went out of his way to help people who at the end of the year did not even bother to thank him for his help. And he replied, “Because when I took this course, no one did. And I only took the job to be the help I did not have.”

He is truly passionate about what he does, and thus dedicates his own time in doing more. He is the kind of person who will come find you and ask you what you want changed, and will get right on the job to mend the problem you have. Matthew is one of the few people in student governing body I know who joined the senate to make life better for his friends and colleagues. You may feel that voting does not matter, especially in the concept of student senate officers, however I can tell you; if you want your voice represented you should vote and you should vote for Matthew Lucci as the Vice President.

Seung Ki Lee is Majoring in Computer Science and Economics. He is also a military veteran from South Korea.

Seung Ki Lee is Majoring in Computer Science and Economics. He is also a military veteran from South Korea.

Who's Behind The Blog
Senator Matthew Lucci

Mechanical Engineering Major

Class of 2018

Southern Methodist University


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